1) Big news! For the past several months, we have been working to create a crypto token – the IditaCoin (DGZ). The Iditarod is celebrating its 50th anniversary so this was a wonderful opportunity to fuse something as authentic and old school as the Iditarod with blockchain technology. it has now gone live and is getting an amazing response! We are currently holding a pre-sale event at approximately 50% of the planned public offering price. 3 nuggets subscribers are eligible to participate until the pre-sale is sold out: https://iditacoin.io/


2) You will remember this Nugget because it is in a weird font.


3) We know you have always wondered about why your knuckles/joints pop and why there is refractory period between pops. Ok, hang on, we have you covered. – The pop is from the nitrogen bubbles in your synovial fluid, and you can’t do it two times in a row because those bubbles take time to regenerate according to the formula, Time = diameter of the joint/square root of Pi, – for most of us that’s about 20 minutes. So now ya know.