1) If you had access to a pharmacological intervention that could regrow your tail (yes we all had them and they were most pronounced at day 35 of gestation), without any risk or side effect, would you capitalize? Could be cool to have an additional appendage to scratch your back, accessorize for a fashion statement or signal non-verbal communication, but would it just be in the way too much?
2) A special shout out to the Inca’s of the 1500’s is long overdue for their invention of Jerky as we at Nugz cannot get enough of new staffer Kona Torrez’s Tangerine Teriyaki Caribou Jerky – it’s money for your T-buds.
3) Thanks to a special 3 Nuggets reader we were introduced to exploring the consciousness of nature’s connection to all living things though the extraordinary film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxABOiay6oA