After a three-year quest for the next Kale, locked on Arugula. – Perhaps like black licorice, polarizing but consistently refreshing. Kale can be schizophrenic: Lacinato, Curly. Red, etc, whereas Arugula is always true.  

Still have no opinion on hotels in Berlin or Spanish wines but wondering why Raisinnets are so good?

Are beer, bacon and bikes emotionally the same? All three can be toggled across a utilitarian/artisan continuum. The latter versions include brews from conscientious biophysicist brewers that are remarkably unpretentious, bacon cured by Slovenian spelunkers, and nanotech carbon fiber bikes hand molded by Belgium monks that cost more than your Subaru. All elicit joy.

Tootsie Rolls – no explanation needed.

While ketchup outsells mustard 2.328 to 1, We predicts the latter will even the score by 2024, based on the following:  Mustard is much more artisanal, complex and has a greater variable viscosity. Importantly, it’s far more courageous, mischievous and has considerably more jump the shark immunity.  We still respect Ketchup, but the trend will be our mustard friend.

Cornbread. – So often fails to deliver due to dryness, over crumblenaciousness and lack of sauce absorption capability. We recently traveled to cornbread Nirvana in Alabama. Served in a skillet forged during the civil war with caramelized cipollini onions table sauteed in ultra virgin olive oil, red sulmona garlic and Malaysian black pepper, garnished with tasso and accompanied by award winning honey butter. Perfect texture, a succulent mouth massage.   If ever in Tuscaloosa, experience at Side by Side.


Evergreen waffles are a transformational frozen waffle experience; conscientiously conceived and artisan souled with curated flavor profiles from the classic Peanut Butter Banana to the woke Chocolate Chip Matcha. Moreover, they are spec’d with very “clean’ ingredients to optimize your engine.  Make sure you try the Mixed berry and Almond to add an enlivening burst of joyful dimension to accompany your waffle consumption,